MDBS Digital Technology ئاپەکان

隨身日曆 1.0
MDBS Digital Technology
提供國曆/農民曆、節日節氣、每日宜忌等資訊查詢,並有記事和神明誕辰提醒等功能,讓您輕鬆安排生活大、小事;另外還貼心的提供放大版選擇,手機螢幕再小也能看得一清二楚喔!主要功能:1. 國曆/農民曆提供國曆節/假日、廿四節資訊,或可切換至農民曆,查詢每日的宜忌事項、生肖、胎神/諸神方位等,另外還可指定年、月、日,快速查詢特定日,讓您輕鬆安排每一天!。2. 吉日查詢幫你選出開工、納采等適合的好日子,讓您事事都順利!3. 記事及提醒隨手記下重要或代辦事項,且可選擇每周、每月重複提醒。4. 神明誕辰提醒開啟神明誕辰日提醒功能,從此不必再擔心忘記拜拜了!Provide national calendar/ farmers calendar, festivals throttle, Taboo and other informationqueries per day and have notes and birthday reminders gods andother functions, so you can easily arrange living large, small;additionally offers intimate enlarged version of choice, then asmall phone screen can also be seen clearly Oh! Main features:1 solar calendar / calendar farmersCalendar section provides country / holiday round-sectioninformation, or to switch to the farmers calendar, check the dailyTaboo matters, zodiac, child of God / gods orientation, etc. It mayalso specify the year, month, day, quickly find a specific day, soyou can easily arrange eachDay! .2 Jiri inquiryHelp you select started Nace and other suitable good day, so youeverything goes well!3 notes and remindersUnder the Notes or the agency with important matters, and optionalweekly, monthly recurring reminder.4 gods birthday reminderOpen the gods birthday reminders, from having to worry aboutforgetting to worship!